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2013 Products
  • Keeyask Generation Station hearings - Manitoba Wildlands
    October 2013
    From the first Clean Environment Commission preparation session for participants in spring 2013 to the end of hearings in January 2014 Manitoba Wildlands participated in each phase of the CEC proceedings and hearings. Activities included: review of the EIS, review of all supplemental materials from Manitoba Hydro, filing and reviewing answers to Information Requests, selecting independent experts to inform the CEC hearings, and assisting its independent experts with their reports and presentation materials.
  • Washow Peninsula Peat Leases and Mines - Maps - Whelan Enns Associates
    June 2013
    Digital and satellite data, geological survey map gallery lease information, regulatory documents were used to map the Washow Peninsula on Lake Winnipeg to show all crown land leases to peat mining companies, existing peat mine licences, cottage and road locations.
  • Clean Environment Commission Proceedings and Hearings - Keeyask Tracking Chart - Whelan Enns Associates
    Spring 2013
    The tracking chart contains for the CEC Keeyask proceedings and hearings contains documents, decisions, and events starting in spring 2013. Links are provided to access the documents. The chart will be kept up to date until December 2013 when the Keeyask CEC hearings are expected to finish.
  • Bipole III Section 35 Reports for Affected First Nations - Whelan Enns Associates
    Early 2013
    Whelan Enns Associates assisted affected First Nations with identification and presentation of the outcomes from their community consultation projects regarding the Manitoba Hydro project. Reports contained: results from community meetings, results from community surveys; specific review of the Bipole III environmental statements for licensing; application of both the Manitoba government aboriginal consultation policy, and consultation policies of affected First Nations. Each report was tailored for the specific First Nation.
  • Keeyask Transmission System - Whelan Enns Associates
    Early 2013
    Whelan Enns Associates provided a technical review of the environmental statements for the Keeyask transmission system, with assessment and written report for an affected First Nation. The report identifies concerns with regard to impacts, and specific treaty concerns.
  • Dorsey to Portage Transmission System - Whelan Enns Associates
    Early 2013
    A review and response to the environmental statements for this Manitoba Hydro was provided. The reponse regarding this project incorporated historic and current concerns by an affected First Nation, including requests for technical information regarding the original transmission corridor, and recommendations for appropriate notification and accommodation of First Nations.
  • Bipole III Map Products - Whelan Enns Associates
    Early 2013
    Maps products for multiple First Nations to show: Indian lands, treaty territory, traditional territories, and notice areas for treaty land entitlement with the Bipole III study area, project area and right of way. These maps also included other land use constraints, combined with locations of lands being acquired, etc. Maps were part of community presentation, and reports regarding the projects.
  • Clean Environment Commission (CEC) Hearings Services - Whelan Enns Associates
    Fall 2012 and Spring 2013
    Whelan Enns Associates assisted with Bipole III hearing transcript reviews, in hearing logistics, cross examination, and both opening and closing statements for affected First Nations. Collaboration with legal counsel for participants, technical support for witnesses and presenters in the hearings, tracking of legal and technical submissions by participants, Manitoba Hydro, and CEC documentation also provided.
  • Clean Environment Commission Hearings – Bipole III Tracking Chart - for Manitoba Wildlands
    2012 - 2013
    The chart tracking for all CEC Bipole III events, decisions, and documents or filings was maintained from spring 2011 until spring 2012. The chart was posted on the Manitoba Wildlands website and updated during the proceedings and hearings. Available to media, students, participants and government, the chart assisted with direct link access to documents, while providing the chronology of events, docs, and decisions.

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