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2002 Products
  • Review & Analysis: A Review of the Report entitled "Manitoba's Ecosystem Based Management Pilot Project: Values Team Final Report" - Bryan Hart, Paskanake Project Management
    November 2002
    This document provides a general review of the October 2001 Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) Values Team report; one of four main reports completed as part of the EBM Pilot Project for Ecoregion 90. The EBM Values Team attempted to identify, define, and measure the manner in which Manitobans value Ecoregion 90. The Review provides a summary of the main methods used by the EBM Values Team in addition to a profile of the main conclusions. The Review also identifies and briefly assesses a number of strengths and weaknesses, including the general lack of participation and representation of Ecoregion 90 residents in the project's data collection and analysis.
  • Review & Analysis: All-Weather Road Reports for York Landing, Pikwitonei, Ilford, Shamattawa, and Thicket Portage - Bryan Hart, Paskanake Project Management
    October 2002
    This document provides a summary review of five separate all-weather road studies that were completed by Dillon Consulting Ltd. for the Manitoba Department of Transportation and Government Services in August 2001. The intent of the studies was to measure the economic justification of an all-weather road to each community. The Review profiles the conclusions and main assumptions reported by Dillon Consulting Ltd while highlighting the preliminary nature of each study.
  • Review & Analysis: All-Weather Road Report for Pukatawagan Economic Assessment Study - Bryan Hart, Paskanake Project Management
    October 2002
    This document provides a general review of a detailed all-weather road study that was completed by Dillon Consulting Ltd. for the Manitoba Department of Transportation and Government Services in August 2001. The intent of the study was to measure the economic justification of an all-weather road to the community of Pukatawagan. The Review summarizes and assesses the main conclusions and assumptions reported by Dillon Consulting Ltd. Specific commentary is provided on the issue of the uncertain future status of the existing rail line and its impacts on the economic justification for an all-weather road.
  • Manitoba's Protected Areas Commitments: The Mining Sector Consultation - Working Toward Sustainability, A presentation to Canada's Mines Ministers' Conference - Gaile Whelan Enns
    September 2002
    This presentation explains the unique nature of the Manitoba mining sector protected areas consultation, within Canada. The Manitoba mining sector protected areas consultation provides the industry with confidence that assessment for areas of high mineral potential while enlisting the industry to help shape the boundaries of protected areas. The presentation highlights the diversity of the parties involved in the technical reviews, the dual technical basis applied, and the challenges, frustrations and common understandings that contribute to the success of the consultation.
  • Review & Comparative Analysis: "Draft EIS Guidelines for the Wuskwatim Generation Project" [File No.4724.00] & "Draft EIS Guidelines for the Wuskwatim Transmission Project" [File No.4725.00] - Bryan Hart, Paskanake Project Management
    March 2002
    This document is a review of the draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) guidelines for the proposed Wuskwatim Generation Project and Transmission Project (Northern Manitoba). The Wuskwatim EIS Guidelines are compared to guidelines for other Manitoba Hydro projects, including the Limestone project (1984), the proposed Conawapa project (1992), and the North Central Transmission Line project (1992). The review and comparative analysis raises questions about the scope of the guidelines, the absence of a clear policy framework, appropriate levels of Aboriginal consultation, and the appropriate use of Traditional Ecological Knowledge.
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